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Race Information

Race Information

Don't let your chance to participate

in this year's race pass you by! Register Today!

Race Bible 2020
Race Bible 2023

Updated 12/29/2022


Take a look at the Race Bible to find out everything you need to know for this year's Saints to Sinners Bike Relay.  The Bible contains all the rules and logistics for the race.  Also included are turn-by-turn directions so that you don't get lost as you head to Sin City!  We have also adjusted our pricing structure for 2018 to reward those who sign up early so take a look now to save some $!


Team Captains are required to be familiar with everything contained in the Race Bible.  We recommend that all riders take a look also (we spent time creating it and just want to share how awesome it is!).

Course Maps
Course Maps

Updated 7/04/2023


There are a lot of turns between Salt Lake and Vegas - make sure you know where they are so that you don't end up in the middle of nowhere, while everyone else beats you down there.


The maps are divided into individual legs with details including: elevations, distances, and a basic description of the difficulty of the leg.  (Be patient - this is a large file.  Feel free to EMAIL US if you want us to send you the file instead).

Compliments of Follow My Challenge, here is our route loaded into Ride with GPS



There is no way this race could happen without awesome volunteers like we have had in the past!  Thank you to those who have helped and to those who will be helping.  We have heard that the volunteers have as much fun as the riders!


If you are interested in volunteering please click the link below to sign up.  We assign responsibilities on a first-come-first-served basis so sign up today to get the best choice (not that any of them are bad!).  


If you are volunteering for a specific team you will need the team name when you sign up. Teams, every Exchange Station that your team covers, beyond what is required for your team (requirements are in the Ride Bible), earns you a complimentary hotel room at the finish line. Contact us for details.

race results 2019

Race Results 2023

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